Preparing for a trip out on the road? Maybe you’re going for a weekend getaway, or it’s the annual hunting trip, or you’re hitting the road for a longer-term road trip with your family. Having an RV presents so many options for us Calgarians who love to experience the great outdoors in a whole new way.
Granted, it’s not all smooth sailing. You’ll have to do your fair share of planning, mapping out destinations and stops, preparing your family members, and figuring out an emergency preparedness plan, if something goes wrong. How would you put together the pieces if, say, an accident happened while on the road, or if your trailer unexpectedly broke down?
RV Direct – leading RV Insurance Broker in Alberta, can help you get the comprehensive coverage that guarantees your safety on the road for the best rate other there! RV insurance Alberta trailer owners may not be required to carry trailer insurance for tow-behind recreational vehicles, but it’s important for an asset so expensive and so valuable to be insured properly. So, if you were wondering, does an RV in Alberta need insurance? – The answer would be yes – not technically (if we’re talking provincial mandates) but for your peace-of-mind, and to protect your possessions, absolutely!
What is RV Insurance?
RV insurance or “RV” insurance is a type of property insurance that has been specially designed for vehicles that are “tow-behind” and covers them for losses or damages that are not otherwise covered by your home or auto insurance policies.
Insurance is not legally obligated for these trailers, but it is for the automobile that is towing them. Self-propelled trailers, like motorhomes, are required to carry insurance coverage because they operate on their own.
Just because insurance isn’t mandatory doesn’t mean it isn’t important. Insurance, specifically liability insurance, is highly recommended if something happens where a third-party’s property is damaged, or someone is injured on the premises of your trailer and/or as a result of the operation of it.
Why Insure an RV?
Trailers aren’t cheap. Even if you buy a used trailer from several years’ prior, it’s still likely to cost you thousands of dollars. Furthermore, if your trailer plays an integral part of your lifestyle, it makes more sense to keep it insured and protected against potential theft, fire, and other unexpected events.
It’s a lot less expensive than you might think to …